I work Tuesday & Wednesday night, but I'm free during the days. Thursday is wide open.
'War Stories'
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
I will be in the SF Bay area for a week, arriving Saturday, July 22nd and leaving early Saturday, July 29th. I'll be visiting my uncle in Lafayette, but this time I'll be spending a lot of time in SF, doing touristy, vacation-y stuff. I'd love to see Buffistas while I am there.
So we could maybe see Kate and Tommy at the same time? If anything gets organized, would somebody please include me in an email or a text?
I feel obligated to report (in a good way!), that a rare F2F took place today. Nilly and I finally met. It's been over four years since the last time that happened.
Israel F2F, yay!
Oh, hey, I potentially have free time to see people while Kate and tommyrot are out this way! I have a performance Saturday evening in Alameda if anyone wants to see that, but the important part is I will not be practicing all the damn time afterwards so maybe I can be social!
I'll be around when Kate and tommyrot are visiting, so I'd like to know if any plans are afoot!
It's a long way off, but MARK YOUR CALENDARS, looks like I will be in NYC next year May 29 to June 4. Part of that time is college reunion so booked out, but several days are free. I plan to go see at least two shows, so nights might be out.
Bonus opportunity for anyone interested in crashing on a foldout couch. The place I should have booked by end of today if not tomorrow is a 1 br apartment, so I could share with another out of towner.
NYC and Philly are super close msbelle.
West coast (San Diego, SF, Portland, Seattle) - keep the week of 10/15 in mind? I'm doing a lightning thing with a couple people. NOVA- I'll be in your area for a book festival on 10/14... augh I should just make up an events page probably. Hmmm.
Also if you're near Philly on 9/26 there will be cupcakes and a new book at B&N Rittenhouse
West coast (San Diego, SF, Portland, Seattle) - keep the week of 10/15 in mind?
*ears perk up*