...and I assume it goes without saying that the Adorable Husband of Reason would also be a welcome addition to my visit, if that works out.
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
...I just got a big grin out of picturing the Husband of Reason’s reaction to being called “adorable.”
Which, for the record, he is.
I want Husband of Reason emoticons! Especially one based on his face reacting to being called "adorable"
Seattle, I am in you!
And looking for the like button for ND's post.
What time do you leave on Monday? We are a chaotic household right now.
I want Husband of Reason emoticons!
I leave at 6 something on Monday evening, so pretty much have to be headed to the airport by 5 to deal with rental car drop-off and whatnot.
Would we also need a LOOM emoticon?
What is your Sunday now looking like?