Haven't heard from Kat, but I'll be home by 6. Let's text with details once you get settled in
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
This is Kansas City, KS, not Kansas City, MO, right?
Did anyone answer this? I kind of skimmed.
Zen, KCMO is the cool one with the sports teams, museums and interesting things to do. KCKS is the little town across the street - State Line Road.
Thanks, quester!
Moving this conversation to the appropriate thread...where are the non-local people staying in NYC? Tom and I are both in Brooklyn, Jesse's in midtown and I think flea is on the UWS?
I am staying on West 87th. I am transit-friendly.
I'm totally transit friendly, and just have to be in the Village (or something) by 2 that day.
I am way up by Fort Tryon Park, (my friends just moved up here) but have easy access to transit.
So somewhere middle-ish, or at least close to the subway?
Would Eataly be ridiculous with a group? It's just kind of on my to-do list for NYC.
I love Eataly but finding space to sit down with a group can be tough in there.