I also paid a visit to Max Brenner today. P-C, guess what I have for ya.
Awww, you're the best!! Unfortunately, I won't be able to meet you at SFO because I have a writing workshop till 11:30 and I can't teleport, grr. I will have to get them from someone. Thanks!
Pictures of CJ are on FB and I promise that there has been zero photoshoppin.
This may even cause a massive dusting of my practically-forgotten FB account (it also points to my old e-mail address, so I don't even get any notifications from it). I can't remember when is the last time I've logged into FB. When I don't have time to log on here, it's rare that I may log on to other sites...
Hope you and the PiToddler are doing swimmingly, Nilly.
Thanks! He's three (!) years old, so almost not a toddler but a child (the DH just calculated that this Saturday his age will be Pi, or as close to Pi as an age counted in days can be). And needless to say, I can babble about him all thread long without ever shutting my keyboard up, but it's not polite to make this all meMeME, so I won't.
Oh, and if we're in meMeME, I really need to find an online nickname for the how-can-she-be-a-year-old-already almost-not-a-baby-anymore, so I can avoid not-shutting-up about her, as well.
I think we should make this a thing and all start saying "back when I used to ride a brontosaurus to school" and then follow up with "and everyone wore onions on their belts, which was the fashion at the time."
I'm all for your past fashion choices. Yay onions-on-belts!
(Was it Jesse who told once in Natter the story about how, when a cellphone fell into the toilet, she had told the child of friends how when she had beed a child herself it wouldn't have been possible for a phone to fall into a toilet, and the chid had opened big eyes and wondered "What, there were no toilets when you were younger?")
Awww, a good day.
Oh, certainly.
I am so sorry to miss you.
Oh, it's not fair! Real-Life should not interfere like that with fun plan-making, especially the once-in-a-blue-moon sort of fun! Everybody should get days off in order to get to see Shir.
I also paid a visit to Max Brenner today.
Even more reason for everybody to get days off in order to get to see Shir.
"What, there were no toilets when you were younger?"
Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's hilarious.
I will have to get them from someone. Thanks!
Humm. If I'll give it to -t, will you two be able to meet? Or should I bring it to L.A.?
Everybody should get days off in order to get to see Shir.
Love the internet. My reputation precedes me.
Humm. If I'll give it to -t, will you two be able to meet? Or should I bring it to L.A.?
It may be better to bring it to L.A. since I will be there Memorial Day Weekend and I should be able to see some Buffistas when I'm down there. And if you do, they will have an excuse to see me!
Right, into the suitcase and not the carry-on bag, then.
Shir, when is your flight leaving?
(Goodness, I'm so excited for you! You in singular, for packiing - oh, and don't forget to pack some warm clothes as well, please - not every weather is Israeli weather - and for all of you, in plural, for getting to meet Shir soon!)
I am loving the uptick in Nilly sightings as Shir's arrival approaches.
Shir, when is your flight leaving?
Friday at 23:00, Israel time. Will get to Port Townsend before Sunday noon, Israel time. It's gonna be quite a ride.
don't forget to pack some warm clothes as well, please
Oh, I think you should peek here: Shir "F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us" Apr 21, 2014 4:24:28 am PDT
I packed and packed and still there's packing to do. I don't understand the physics or logic or dark magic behind it. I'll also be travelling with three pairs of shoes, including the pair that will be on my feet, so I guess that officially makes me a woman.
On another note, I nearly got dehydrated in the Israeli weather while waiting for someone who brought the good light coat from my sister. The irony wasn't lost on me.
In two hours I'll leave to the airport. If you emailed me and I didn't reply yet, I apologize; I had very little time to arrange things and plans, so anything that wasn't urgent is on delay. Thankfully, I'll have all the time in the world when I'll arrive to the U.S..
SFO meet: if I'm not at Lori's Diner by 10:30 and my flight arrived on time, don't worry; I'm not known for my sense of spacial orientation. I'll get there, or post here, or hopefully both.