Here are some bus schedules. They actually seem pretty good, but note that in many cases you can leave an hour later and arrive within minutes of the bus that left an hour earlier.
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
OK, thank you.
Guys. I love y'all, but we're gonna have to discuss your definitions for the words "winter", "cool", and "chilly". Before I turned to see what your Fahrenheit talk actually means I had in mind mostly summer dresses and skirts (which is what we're starting to wear now, since we started to hit the 80s). Now I see I'll have to bring the light winter clothing. Middle Eastern here and all, but anything below 60 is winter in my book. Below 40 is "freezing", and below 30 is "Scandinavia".
Maybe I'll pack just one summer dress, since chances are I'll fly back to 85-90 weather.
With the way the weather's been this year, you really can expect just about anything at any time of year.
Layers, you say. Duly noted.
Edited to add: humm, seems like some things have changed since the last time I've been around. Will ask my travel agent some questions about that ESTA thing tomorrow (I'll be traveling with my British passport). Border security science is a bit weird.
You can expect summery weather in LA after the mist rolls out. Otherwise--yeah, May is a really fickle month.
My feelings on the weather are quite similar to yours, Shir. I find 60F to be frigid. When I travel to chillier regions I find having a good sweater is usually sufficient. Socks and gloves are good if your feel and hands get cold. (I never wear socks at home, all my shoes are open toed)
It'll be cool in SF. Expect it to be from 50s to 60s here.
Layering is key. A light cotton cardigan type sweater or hoodie would be a good thing to pack.
Now I see I'll have to bring the light winter clothing. Middle Eastern here and all, but anything below 60 is winter in my book. Below 40 is "freezing", and below 30 is "Scandinavia".Who knew I was Middle Eastern!!
Shir, sounds like you and I are similar with "chilly". Layering is key. Generally, I am wearing short sleeved shirts with a light fleece jacket. If I know it will be chillier that day, I will add a long sleeved shirt. Can't help ya with the skirt thing. Noise Design wears a kilt, but he doesn't chill as easily as you and I.
I do layers in Jerusalem too. It's a city that has temperature difference of good 30-35 F degrees. But the layers thing here is being done more in transitional seasons - as in, March and some of April. Thinking of May as a transitional season is... Kindda like I was in Olympia in 2007 in August, and it was raining. I immediately thought it was October, because of the rain.
I know other climates exist. I just don't recognize them. It's beyond my grasp. The only explanation I can come up to weather in a weird timing is that it's actually another month.