I thought McCain came off pretty well, actually.
From the little I'm getting from the story, I starting to fell like, despite his age and experience, that he was a bit like Robert Redford's character in 'The Candidate'. It's nice to know that the McCain I liked in 2000 was still around. OTOH, I really don't want a guy who let two campaigns get away from him running the country.
The point where I started rooting for Obama instead of just the Democratic party was his speech in response to the Rev. Wright imbroglio.
I really like Obama's style, even if I don't agree on everything he wants to do.
As someone who is almost exactly one year younger than Obama (one year and one day, to be exact), I'd call him technically a Baby Boomer chronologically but not one in spirit. The early '60s are a transition period.
I thought McCain came off pretty well, actually.
If he and the White House had behaved all along as they've behaved during the last 72 hours (or maybe 60 is more accurate), we might be talking about President-Elect McCain.
If he and the White House had behaved all along as they've behaved during the last 72 hours (or maybe 60 is more accurate), we might be talking about President-Elect McCain.
I get the feeling that, while McCain really *did* want to be POTUS, he didn't want to *run a campaign.* He just wanted it to happen magically. Because -- at least this is my impression from the Newsweek special -- his attitude towards his campaign was capricious and just plain weird, and he let his campaign staff, especially that crapweasel Steve Schmidt, take the campaign and run with it (and run it into the ground).
If McCain had campaigned the way Obama did, it would have been a close race.
But the thing is, that's the point. McCain *couldn't* have campaigned like Obama, because that's just who he is. The way Obama campaigned is indicative, I think, of how he'll govern, and the same is true for McCain.
Every so often, I have to say, out loud "President Barack Hussein Obama." Or just "President Obama." And then I grin like an idiot and start to tear up. I want to shout it out my window when driving.
Honestly, it still hasn't totally sunk in for me yet. I keep feeling like it's still campaign season. Like I can't stop worrying yet.
And then I hear someone on NPR say "President-Elect Obama," and I just grin and bounce in my seat.
Just when I thought I wouldn't cry over the election anymore...
Yes, Obama and I were born in the same year and I don't think that we are really baby boomers. For one thing - my parents (and probably his) were not adults during WWII.
Now, I have a friend who is younger than I am and she has 2 older brothers and 2 older sisters and her dad was in the air force during WWII and her mother did the Rosie the Riveter thing and I think that makes her more Baby Boomerie than me despite our difference in ages.
One election that wasn't about the lesser of two evils
Via Serious Eats, this Colorado Senate race, between Bob Bacon and Matt Fries, may have been the best ever.
Clearly, I would have voted for Bacon. But frankly, I sort of wish he had lost, because then someone could have made bumper stickers and T-shirts that read "Don't Blame Me, I Voted for Bacon," and that would have been awesome.
this Colorado Senate race, between Bob Bacon and Matt Fries, may have been the best ever.
I saw that on Scalzi's blog: [link] and I agree with him. ("You can't defeat bacon. You can't even hope to try.")
For one thing - my parents (and probably his) were not adults during WWII.
I hadn't heard that criterion before, but I like it. Then again, my mother was not only not an adult during WWII, she was born then.
Gee, Cash, way to make me WEEP. It was a touching and interesting story and I was tearing, but man, what a wallop in the end!
Gee, Cash, way to make me WEEP. It was a touching and interesting story and I was tearing, but man, what a wallop in the end!
I *just* finished reading it and was coming here to post the same thing. Damn.