My misunderstanding then Corwood. I misinterpreted this:
To me, the distasteful thing is the notion that any given group of women in their mid-30s (esp. those who have known each other since high school or earlier) will be so hideously disfigured by age that they will benefit from cosmetic surgery pitches.
Ooh, creepy Criminal Minds. I so called the last word of the episode, though.
That was not unexpected, it's true.
I woke up with a coughing fit and realized I forgot to frost the cake before I fell asleep. I have to wait until the taste of the cough drop I ate subsides before I try some cake.
I should start watching CM again. I'm so far behind on recorded shows--watching too much election coverage and not enough entertainment!
I had hoped the context of the following sentence would make it clear that I was referring to the sales pitch and the peer pressure, Burrell. I don't give a damn about people's personal cosmetic choices. But I think the idea of gathering a small group together to push the idea that everyone in it needs cosmetic surgery is bizarre enough to be fascinating. And a little creepy, especially in cases where high school dynamics still seem to apply. In this case, too, I should mention again that these women are all 35-36, which seems awfully young for group cosmetic surgery. Maybe they felt that tattoos were passé.
Just found out something interesting. I knew before that no Republican had ever won the White House without Ohio. Turns out that no Democrat has ever won the White House without Missouri - until now.
It also turns out that police have arrested a rooster in Benton, Ill., which has laws against that sort of thing. (One commenter notes that this is just why he moved, to get away from those thuggish roosters and their cocky attitudes.)
Another person born in the summer of '61? My big sister.
Bwah! I just realized that my sister, born in '59, will be older than the president. It's gonna take an act of one of the second-string gods to keep me from bringing this up over dinner with her tonight.
Ooh, creepy Criminal Minds. I so called the last word of the episode, though.
Sits in the corner with ita. It was seriously creepy.
ita I can totally understand the anger and frustration at the ER visits occasionally turning inward, but that doesn't make it true.
I read an article in a magazine recently that the current Botox pitch is you "have" to start before you start getting wrinkles, so you don't get them. So targeting 35 year olds makes sense. In that respect. Not "sense" as I see it.
Dooooood... check out what this guy did to his basement with ten bucks' worth of Sharpie markers.