I am so tempted to send my uber-Republican, McCain-voting Dad (who sent offensive email after offensive email during the campaign that I simply ignored) an email that just says, "GOBAMA!" But I will resist. I'm such a good person.
Want me to do it? I'm not a very good person AT ALL!!!
Iknow that two co workers said that they just believe marriage is a man and a woman, that's the way they were raised and that's what they believed.
My response to that would be (because nobody has said that to my face), if talking to a man "well, marry a woman" and, if talking to a woman, "marry a man." And to both "what makes it your business if someone else chooses differently?"
Obama announces his transition team and website.
I can't get that website to come up yet - so maybe it's not really a working thing yet or maybe everyone is trying to visit it.
Oof, now that the election is over, I have to go back to focusing on my own life. I am pretty sure I am going to have to cut my cable, to save money. I also anticipate a very cold winter, as I will try not to run up my heating bill too much.
I highly recommend getting a space heater. Mine keeps me toasty warm in the winter without having to heat the 8500 cubic feet I'm not currently occupying.
nytimes.com has a great graphic on the front page that goes through several screens showing how things changed from 2004. What is going on in Arkansas that they are the biggest shift to voting more Republican?
I'd say a combo of Mike Huckabee energizing the Republican base even if he didn't get nominated, a better Republican candidate than in 2000 or 2004, racial prejudice, and a big raised middle finger to people in the coastal states that all-too-frequently act like everything in between is a wasteland populated by extras from Deliverance. Bill Clinton was the last Democrat on the national scene that treated Arkansas residents with respect, and he's from here.
Timelies all!
Happy Birthday CaBil!
Stayed up hear Obama's speech last night, and I'm paying for it today.
change.gov is still in development -- I think it may have been visible for a bit earlier, but they've password-protected it since it got to be huge news everywhere. (btw, your link in your post is broken; you left off the http-colon-slash-slash part.)
"A blast from the past", or, "amazing how much can change in four years":
Walter Dean Burnham, the philosopher who coined realignment theory and a liberal through and through, was writing before the 2000 election that he thought the nation was realigning left. Barnes was right that Burnham's heart was broken after 2000 and in 2004, but Burnham's been predicting a realignment this year: [link]
I just got TV Tracker's "Movers & Shakers" email, which lists who has been promoted or moved to a new company. This listing made me laugh:
Barack Obama
Now: President-Elect, United States of America
Was: Senator, United States of America