The whole Prop. 8 thing pisses me off. Of all the things I could mention keeping me from a solid marriage (or even from getting laid) gay marriage is not in the same galaxy as the list. What a hateful bunch of bigots. I hope the lawsuits knock them back on their asses.
In other news, my Republican sister came down from MI yesterday to visit my dad. They'll be coming over to see me tomorrow evening, by which time my Obama-induced smug level should be down to polite levels.
So, here's an interesting thing that popped up in LJ and is starting to spread. There's a movement to have the Mormon Church's tax-exempt status removed for interference in the political process.
I have no idea if it holds any real water but I figured spreading the link to you good people can't be a bad thing.
Oh, I'm so gronkified right now.
Stayed up until almost 2:00 watching results, then had to get up at 6:00 to get here before 7:00 and start tracking ballot measure results (seven of which are still undecided, damnit!!). And then, just as I thought the day was going to be over and I could go home and relax, I got a call from a bookstore co-worker who snagged concert tickets for tonight and needed me to come in for my on-call shift. Since he'd be screwed if I didn't, I agreed (he did say he might be able to pick up my Saturday afternoon shift, which would be awesome!).
So, I get to put in a 4-5 hour shift at the bookstore tonight in zombie mode at the register. I hope they don't expect me to sell cards tonight, 'cause it ain't gonna happen. And I get to get up and work both jobs again tomorrow.
Soooo tired...
I am utterly failing to get any work done.
Man, me too. More so than yesterday even.
Pete, I believe some churches have had their tax-exempt status revoked because they either strongly and openly supported someone in politics or - in extreme cases - told their congregants that they had to vote for someone/something specific.
I am utterly failing to get any work done.
This is why I took the day off. I expected to up all night waiting for returns, but I still spent the day watching the news, reading the news and posting here. Otherwise, I am completely worthless.
I'm actually more productive than usual, even though I stayed up late and then had nightmares that all those blue states turned red overnight and they made McCain take back his concession speech.
I feel energized by the actual results and I wanted for the first time in a long time to get more done in a day than I normally planned for. And I have!
There's a movement to have the Mormon Church's tax-exempt status removed for interference in the political process.
told their congregants that they had to vote for someone/something specific.
Ah, but the letters that were sent from Utah to the California congregations only "urged" them to support Prop 8, they weren't "ordered." It was, of course, left up to their own consciences.
I am pretty sure they are within the law - here's a pdf of guidelines for religious institutions and pastors: [link]
The church's argument is that they have a right, nay, a duty to issue statements in matters they feel are important to the state of people's souls.