the Mormon church pouring so much money into the Yes on 8 campaign
Do not underestimate how much the Mormon church loathes gays. They have a lot of money and they have a practiced organizational structure and a lot of sheep-brains who believe anything that comes out of the Office of the Presidency is the unadulterated truth. Disagreement is not just disagreement, but a near occasion to sin. There were a lot of Mormons actively protesting the church's involvement in Prop 8, as well as the existence of Prop 8 at all, and there is going to be religious backlash for those people. Arguments over church doctrine have cost people their jobs and their membership in a church they'd like to believe in.
The difference that such people see between being gay and being black is that being black is a passive but very noticeable thing, if you go simply by color of skin and not by attendent culture and history. Being gay, on the other hand, is something that a lot of people honestly believe is purely a matter of action. Even if the tendency is inborn/determined by God, the belief is that the action should be controlled by "decent" folks and shouldn't be catered to by laws.
If the Mormon church had a bigger presence back east, New England wouldn't have the gay marriage laws they do. California has a huge Mormon population, and until/unless the church's influence fades, gay marriage in California has a hard road ahead.
Comcast, at least my local Comcast, actually aired the Indecision special live at 7 PST, though it wasn't listed correctly on any schedules I could find. I happened to switch over just in case, and there it was.
Heh. This is pretty funny. From a forthcoming Newsweek by way of Huffington Post:
-- The debates unnerved both candidates. When he was preparing for the Democratic primary debates, Obama was recorded saying, "I don't consider this to be a good format for me, which makes me more cautious. I often find myself trapped by the questions and thinking to myself, 'You know, this is a stupid question, but let me ... answer it.' So when Brian Williams is asking me about what's a personal thing that you've done [that's green], and I say, you know, 'Well, I planted a bunch of trees.' And he says, 'I'm talking about personal.' What I'm thinking in my head is, 'Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house. It's because of something collective'."
Well, the truth is, Brian, we can't solve global warming because I f---ing changed light bulbs in my house.
I would pay cash money to see any candidate* say that on television. Seriously.
*Or President-Elect! YAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!
The Gwynnie look is an interesting 'concept' best kept on the catwalk. Not so much in real life. It's got great geometry but terrible execution.
I have so much to do this week and I cannot seem to get started. Stoopid elections.
Huff Post slide show of newspaper front pages.
Is anyone else more than a little inordinately pleased that, while not having enough Senate wins to make it fillibuster-proof (and, man, would I have liked Mitch McConnell and Saxby Chambliss to have lost), we do have enough votes to tell Droopy Lieberman to piss off?
I feel like an actual cloud has lifted. It's weird; no one seems to care about the election very much here but I feel actually bouncy today.
I'm extremely disappointed by Prop 8 results, although, frankly, I really didn't think the "No on 8" campaign was very effective, so I can't say I'm surprised, especially given the money involved.