Does that make this election just an outlier in Missouri bellwether history, or is it joining Kentucky and Tennessee in drifting right? (Or is it getting left behind as the country drifts left?)
Based on my totally unscientific "this is what I see around me" analysis, I would say that Missouri is drifting slightly leftwards, but not very quickly. What I want to see is how Obama's loss in the state compares to Kerry's and Gore's. That'll be more telling, IMHO, than simple win vs. lose.
Oh, buffistas, I am so hopeful now! And so happy to have had the buffistas this whole time to remind me that there are people who are rational and emotional and think like me. Even in a blue state I have passed the years sine 9/11 astonished and shocked at the gullibility and niavete of my fellow upstate NYers and am hopeful that they will be pleased and hopeful once they get to know Obama.
I woke up this morning and instantly put "Beautiful Day" on the stereo while I showered and dressed. It seemed appropriate.
I'm sick at the possibility of Prop 8 passing, but holding onto hope (hope!) that it will fail by whatever slim margin it needs to.
At 7:30 last night, I was swearing at the TV and decided to change to a French movie so I could stop thinking about it. Thank goodness vw called to tell me my state was starting to look better, or I might have spent the entire evening in a funk. I dreamed that they'd BOTH gotten 270, and that we were going to the Supreme Court again. I actually had to talk myself into thinking a McCain presidency wouldn't be all THAT bad before I could get up and check the numbers this morning.
Then I went and put on some Sousa marches and scared my cat. Now to try to be somber and nonpartisan for my largely Republican students. This may be difficult, as I keep breaking out into enormous smiles.
Also, just read Obama's speech and started crying. Ahem.
(Also, as I said after checking the computer: Oh, thank god. Thank god.)
My mom called from Indiana this morning to talk about the results. She and dad were happy. She said Dad wanted to call earlier. He cracks me up sometimes.
It is a bittersweet morning. I am ecstatic about Obama winning and wondering if I'll still be married tonight.
God, Glam--I feel like I should apologize to you for our state.
And I am wondering what needs to be done to repeal a constitutional amendment in California.
Crap. I guess it's not entirely a new day. I'll keep my fingers crossed, then.