I really, really wanted to watch Jon Stewart tonight
I had been flipping back and forth between the live show and the news. When Jon announced Barack had won, I thought it was a set up. It took awhile to settle in that he really was announcing that Barack had won. For realz.
Then I flipped to the news and the world was cheering. No way did I think the results would be decided so quickly.
Michelle Obama's dress looks better in still photographs than it did on tv.
goodnight msbelle.
Sadly Cash I think it may be better to just go to bed. Looks like it passed. I was afraid that might happen, what with our history of passing hate filled propositions.
We've got Charter, too, and they really fucked up. We're already pissed they sent us a notice they were increasing our already GINORMOUS cable bill. We're cutting some features.
Comedy Central and Charter Cable are on my shit list. Charter decided not to air the Jon Stewart special live but time delayed it until 10 Pacific time...and then Charter's feed was all screwed up, so at 10 it was halfway through a Scrubs episode that went into Futurama at 10:12. Seriously??? Comedy Central, in the meantime, did not provide the live feed it had promised, and the video is still not available on their site. I really, really wanted to watch Jon Stewart tonight, especially given the way things fell out, and I'm genuinely bummed that I couldn't do that.
Add Comcast to that list of fuckups.
And Time Warner. Same thing. Kristen and I went apeshit.
I'm biting my nails on 8.
Did Comedy Central really screw up *all* of the West Coast?
I really wanted to watch them too. My tv says that it reairs at the top of the hour but it also says it's showing now, so...
With all due respect to the results, which I'm so damn happy about, I'd wish the local news here would give more information about this.
I'm beginning to be really worried.
I looked at the exit poll stuff on Prop 8 on Cnn.com. It seems...um...crazy. And antithetical, for the most part. Young people? More likely to be against than older? BWHAHUH? College-educated vs. non, too? Am I reading it wrong?
I don't GET it. Why are people so threatened by this?
Oh wait. One last thought before I really, truly go to bed.
That lovely photo of the Obama family pinged something that might seem inconsequential but really struck me hard.
They eschewed the tacky redwhiteblue of fake patriotism in their outfits that I've seen on every single winning politician I think I've ever watched.
Clothes don't make the man, to be sure. But refusing to bow to prescribed traditions is so refreshing, I can't adequately describe how I felt when I realized it.
It's as if there is no curtain to look behind anymore.
Wow. Does that even make sense?