The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term, but America - I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you - we as a people will get there.
That is going to be our President, paying homage to a hero of the past while he becomes a hero of tomorrow. The new President-Elect. I can't get tired of hearing them say that.
What's shocking for me (and it's shallow as hell), but this is the first president I've had that is younger than me. I think I need to go lie down.
You just
to bring that up.
I think it has sunk in for me that Obama is the new President-Elect... I'm having more trouble truly believing that the attack ads are OVER. Woot!
CNN reports that the exit polls are against Prop 8 52 to 48. Good, but too close for comfort when you only have exit polls to go on. But I will note that the precincts that have so far reported in California have a distinct conservative lean. When more results come in from LA and SF, I still feel cautiously optimistic.
I'm almost afraid to go to sleep tonight. What if I wake up to find Bobby in the shower?
BBC News has the quotes and reaction shots I wanted.
Go, Britain.
While I think of it, much as I love the Virginia county names, I would like to profess my admiration for Montana's Beaverhead County.
The answer, surely Shrift, would be to enjoy yourself.
What if I wake up to find Bobby in the shower?
NOOOOOOO!!!! Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not a dream. Not.
So damn happy. And I was glad McCain had an incredibly classy concession speech - the man's going out of this with some dignity at least.
My biggest problem - I wish they had cut the John Williams-esque musical crap at some point and played something with a little groove. I know why they went the way they did, but I still have wistful memories of '92 and "Don't Stop Thinkin' About Tomorrow". And I'd love to have heard an Obama equivalent to that.