He is good. In fact, Time claims that he dialed down his oratory in order to be less celebspeaker and more "down to earth." That is until the past couple of weeks where he has been going rockstar again.
In relistening, some of tonight's speech to find the part Jesse is referring to, I heard this line, which is beautiful:
"put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more to the hope of a better day. It's been a long time coming."
Prop 8 is leading with 55%. Boo.
I know. I'm crossing fingers and toes that it will swing the other way when the other 85% of the precincts report. I don't think LA or San Francisco has reported yet, for one.
Michelle Obama is so gorgeous. I am undecided about her dress though.
There was something not quite right about it.
A smart president. A well-spoken president. A president who inspires hope instead of fear. I am weeping.
This! So very much, this!
I was happy he mentioned the gays in his list of peoples.
He's so absolutely the right choice for right now. I am so happy.
But Prop 8? Scaring me, seriously scaring me. A constitutional fucking amendment?!? What the fuck is wrong with people?
Why does Jessie Jackson look less thrilled than Sarah Palin tonight?
Yep, now he's talking about what my grandma is feeling. He's a Rockstar.
Why does Jessie Jackson look less thrilled than Sarah Palin tonight?
He was crying earlier. Maybe he's trying to regain his composure?
I think he's stunned, Matt-- the earlier pictures of him weeping, seemed pretty unrestrained with joy. Say what you will of the guy, he's been in the trenches a lonnnnnng time.
He probably wasn't sure this day would ever come.