And AGAIN, whoever styles the Obama family does a good job. I love the color combos, even if I hate Michelle's dress. And I think red is a super pithy choice (and flattering to all of them as they are winters in terms of colors).
I mean, Obama comes across not just as smart, but as nice and genuine. Not the flash of the Clintons but equally compelling.
Glory hallelujah! It's the year of the jubilo.
That was the McCain I used to respect. Where the hell has he been?
I am undecided about her dress though.
I'm not. It's unfortunate.
All things are possible. Wheeeeeee
I'm very very relieved, and hopeful that this country can be repaired of all the things that Cheney-Bush broke.
I love the color and shape. Not the pattern.
A smart president. A well-spoken president. A president who inspires hope instead of fear. I am weeping.
I'm wearing my Obama shirt to work tomorrow (granted, it's one of the "fashion ones" from the campaign so it has no overt political stuff except for "Change is good" on the sleeve).
Granted I have to wash it because it has squash on it from the baby. Sigh.
I am sleeping in my Obama Biden shirt.