Colo. rejects defining fertilization as start of human life
When I saw this on the ballot, I almost choked. I couldn't believe they were trying to add that to the state constitution. (eta - it went down 75% NO!!!)
My county seems to be going red, but the state is still leaning blue. Come on.....go blue, choose blue.
Aw. They just had a reporter at Howard University and there were many students and teachers in tears.
Which side are you on?
Heh. Neither, really. I slip easily from quant to emo, but recognize when I'm doing it. What I get into it with him is that emo plays SO HARD with most people, more than quant. And since that's Not Logical, he wants to blow it off. And my point is that while the emo whine might not change my mind and the quant can, the emo is so integral to the person experiencing it, it can rarely be diminished and you have to speak to it. You can't counter it with facts, you have to appeal to its roots.
He just wants to beat you with spock logic.
BT, Wake County is 57-43 for Obama with 95% of precincts reporting.
ok, I know I just posted that I was on electoral-vote - they FINALLy did an update on the map and now have Obama at 263.
I'm so glad about the election, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about what the next 4 years will look like. How does he even start to clean up this mess?
NBC commentator said McCain may be ready to speak as early as 11.
Dammit! NC's flipped, McCain's in front by 2,500. Though in Indiana he's down to 3,700. And Lake County's still holding 26% of its votes back.
CNN has Florida at Obama 47 % McCain 45% .. I'm still not sure Obama will take Florida but he's stayed in the lead.. but...