Boo. IN's back out to 10,000. Conversely, Obama still leads in NC by nearly 30,000.
Lake County's still stuck at 74% reported. It could still swing the state.
My inability to find Wake County in North Carolina keeps slowing me down there. If I'm reading the counties right, NC will probably tighten further. I hope Obama hangs on.
It ain't over till McCain admits defeat.
EEEEEEE!!!! Thumper and little Disney birds! Ha!
I switched from 538 back to electoral-vote, I am not ready for the pure optimism yet.
I'm cautious, but I'm pretty sure my prosecco just turned celebratory.
I want to see it, tommy, I don't know that I will.
I may be crying a little bit.
If Stevens wins reelection in AK and then gets booted out because of being a convicted felon, does that mean that Palin gets to fill his seat? And could she replace him and take his seat?