For a man who hadn't decided yet whether to debate, and whose campaign was suspended, there's not shortage of chutzpah. (Or of boneheaded miststakes, perhaps more to the point.):
Hey, when McCain was a POW, he had to get all his ads for the WSJ in early, so it's just a habit for him....
Definitely a different situation, then! From what I've heard from my co-worker here at my full-time job, the one whose husband I'm working for at the law firm, it's been really swamped at all three of their offices for the past several months, and it's gotten even busier recently.
I would imagine it's pretty hopping over at the Marshals' and Sheriffs' offices too.
Or, Finland. . . or Turkey. . . (Okay - Russia has lots of border. Clearly skipping and skimming!)
He said something like that on "Countdown" too. Which tells me that shit has totally taken over the world. "Kittehs haz world dominashun."
Of course, I like Krugman. He hits my Toby Ziegler "spicy kosher brains" button and has a better sense of humor than one might expect from an economist.
Clearly he is aware of all our internet traditions.
Yeah, well, not all.
If he says "They're bailing out the economy *right now* and it's not fucking great," I'll die.
ETA: I did not have very good luck explaining to my mom where Mr. Krugman's grammar went for that moment that night nor why it made KO chuckle. I had to fall back on "it's an internet thing."
Debate is what time on easy coast?