we just carved a barack o'lantern! SO FUN.
Noah and Grace were dressed as Things 2 and 1 respectively. Not so down with the wigs. But we had fun at her party.
Now we're going to a community halloween event Noah just pulled 8 wipes out of the container. Gotta go.
One of the puppies is now attacking the jacko-lantern. Awesome.
Back at a real computer - Halloween cutie link.
Mom voted early and she's gotten a lot of last minute campgain stuff from the Republicans (she's one, voted for Obama). Including a plea for money from Palin. There was a reply letter and an envelope, she talked about returning it with the statement --- Not just No but Hell No!
The Republicans are going to have do some major changing to win her back for Presidential elections.
Wee little raaawr lion!
My dad gets really cranky about the DNC (he has Issues with them) asking him for money, so whenever they do, he sends back a screed explaining why he'll give money to individual candidates, but not to the party. Probably doesn't do anything but maybe give someone something different to read and give him some satisfaction.
I swear, he's going to end up the cranky old man at city council meetings...or running them. My mom is trying to get him to run for an opening on the local water board. The guy who is stepping down wants him too as well.
Oh jesus. Getting GOP fearmongering campaign ads. I guess I'm technically close enough to PA, because Md is blue and B'more is REALLY blue.
Oh man. I just rolled out 8 bagels for tomorrow morning and my arms ache. I forgot just how stiff bagel dough is.
I am thankful EVERY DAY that I live in a blue state surrounded by blue states and have Tivo. The only political ads I've seen are ones that have been linked on LJ or mocked by Jon Stewart.
Happy Halloween everyone! So sorry I haven't been around today. Been busy, will post pictures, um, eventually. Franny's school had a costume parade, SUPER cuteness! Isaac has been boycotting his astronaut costume today. He was Belle this morning, now he's Dorothy. I assume he's don the astronaut suit for the actual trick-or-treating.
Happy B-day Daniel and Happy Anniversary to the Reasons!
Happy Birthday Daniel!
Happy Anniversary to the House of Reason!
Half the electricians at today's focus were dressed as pirates. If I'd known, I would've brought my hook!