Monti you need to read this article. It ain't Bush's fault with the financial crisis it is the damn Democrats. This goes back to slick Willie. Don't you know the congress is DEMOCRAT..............
I think the crisis is bipartisan. There was democratic support of measures to help lower income people get mortgages. There was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act which was largely a republican measure (though signed by Clinton) that removed the firewall between commercial banks and investment houses. There was also the Commodity Futures Modernization Act that helped make securities more opaque and probably directly set up the AIG failure. Again a largely republican measure signed by Clinton. Phil Gramm was behind that act as well. If you wanted to pin the blame on one person, Phil Gramm would be your man.
Of course a lot of the blame belongs in the private sector too. Probably most of it. But the Bush administration and republican congress did nothing about it for six years. The democratic congress did nothing about for two years.
You just know all those thinly-veild-racist urban legends about black people naming their babies Fee-mah-lee or Placenta are being re-written about Alaskans.
Seen 'em. Also, innumerable jokes about sleddogs, moose, hunting, etc.
As I understand it, the big government push to help lower income people get mortgages was in 1977, with the Community Reinvestment Act, which was modified under Clinton and weakened substantially under Bush II in 2004. The CRA didn't affect private mortgage companies, which offered about half the mortgages in the housing feeding frenzy, and made subprime loans at twice the rate of the CRA-affected institutions. Another third of the subprime lenders were regulated by the goverment, but had little CRA involvement.
So I'm laying this at the feed of greed, not government do-gooder efforts.
I've found a really interesting history of WaMu and what JP Morgan/Chase thinks will happen to the market--that last is the scary part.
Ladies don't have seed, silly!
True dat, and that *might* explain the masturbation and the fisting, but anal sex? Are we also talking fisting here? Because I just assumed a penis was involved.
ALSO? I can't believe I am having this conversation. At all.
Brendam, if you're around, insent about tonight!
Matt Damon on Palin: [link]
There are several baseball teams still fighting to get into the playoffs and three games deciding those races were extremely dramatic affairs last night.
The Mets fought back from the brink of elimination, the Brewers had a walkoff Grand Slam to win, and the Twins swept the White Sox to tie with three games left.
So I went to check the White Sox blog to see how their watch and post for the game went. And OMG, White Sox fans are the most rageful, bile-filled, but admittedly loyal fans I've ever witnessed in print.
However, if you ever loved the profane poetry of Lee Ermey in
Full Metal Jacket
you have to admire comments like:
"If I ever met Carlos Gomez, I’d fucking punch him in his cockwasher, then do a bunch of stupid Michael Phelps-esque emphatic fist-pump gestures and yell really loud at his unconscious body."
I also liiked the respone to some guy suggesting in-thread that the White Sox were about to blow it.
"i hope you die a painful death in an airplane crash with nick punto and carlos gomez skull fucking you."
After the loss:
"i'm going to cry into my puke."
McCain Pool Report
McCain now boarding plane at DCA with Cindy, Salter, Rudy Giuliani, wife Judith, and other aides plus pool.
Heading to Memphis, 1:50 minute flight, then motorcade to site
General atmosphere is utter confusion.