With most kids that I know, who, granted, are the under 5 set, it *is* impossible.
Hell, I have a hard time keeping my child occupied for the amount of time it takes to eat a meal out. A flight's out of the question. And on road trips, very little gets done (not that we've taken one since she got out of diapers--wow, having to stop for potty breaks is going to suck) in terms of zoning or reading, because I can't get into Deep Thought or Reading mode with external distractions who want crackers or a story.
I just think there's a distance between "managing just fine" and "big stack of magazines." Before a kid can read to themselves, they need a fair amount of entertainment -- and even after they can read to themselves, they may not want to for hours on end.
Yep. This.
Are more parents flying with kids bringing portable DVD players now? I'd think that'd be pretty good at occupying them.
I wish.
I see people on flights managing kids just fine. And I traveled a lot with my parents, who basically did their thing, including my father, who took long breaks at the back of plane to smoke. And we also did plenty of long car trips at all ages. I'm not saying its always like that, I just feel sorry for people that think that's impossible.
Obviously, some of it is going to depend on the kid, and the age. But younger kids are generally not self-entertaining.
But let me not speak in generalities as that way lies insupportable categorical statements.
My kids
are not self entertaining. I can't hand them a book or a coloring book and expect them to be good for an hour.
But let me not speak in generalities as that way lies insupportable categorical statements. My kids are not self entertaining. I can't hand them a book or a coloring book and expect them to be good for an hour.
I will state that I was self-entertaining, except for the part where I was trapped in a car for hours with my irritating little brother, so irritations would escalate into screaming and hitting matches and then parental intervention was required. But other than THAT, I was fine with a book.
There are reasons Lillian is an only child.
Heh. Guess it depends on the kid. From the age of about six, I could entertain myself for hours, provided I had enough books. Car trips with us were easy--my sister and I would read, and my younger brother would pass out in between us, and we'd get annoyed that he was sleeping on us, and toss his head back and forth.
Hand my daughter a book and she's good for a long time. My son has got about a half hour cap on being entertained by something no matter what the media. Put them next to each other and the whole system can break down into a morass of bickering, screaming, and crying at a moment's notice.
Are more parents flying with kids bringing portable DVD players now? I'd think that'd be pretty good at occupying them.
More and more planes are coming with videoscreens in the back of the seat and multiple channels. Emmett favors Jet Blue because they carry the Boomerang network.
Emmett favors Jet Blue because they carry the Boomerang network.
And TLC and Discovery! Mythbusters!
I think actually it helped having three of us, since we would entertain each other.
I was very self-entertaining from about the age of 3, to the point of becoming very irritated if anyone interrupted my Winnie-The-Pooh reading time.
videoscreens in the back of the seat
Those are fine, it's the touchscreens in Virgin planes that bug me. People do not seem to get that jabbing the screen=moving the headrest.
I will state that I was self-entertaining, except for the part where I was trapped in a car for hours with my irritating little brother, so irritations would escalate into screaming and hitting matches and then parental intervention was required. But other than THAT, I was fine with a book.
Hey! Plei stole my childhood.