Marmalade kitteh!! They look so cool. Yay for ex-Jake and Sue!
I had to drag Amarna off of her perch to take her to the vet yesterday morning, and when I passed by her condo this morning to turn off the heater (too warm today!), she got skittish, obviously thinking I was going to try and do it again, jumped down and hid under the computer desk. She hates being stuffed into the carrier and taken anywhere, even just to the vet for a claw trimming.
make me think he thinks a lot of things about being a parent are a chore.
many things about being a parent *are* a chore, then again so are many things about being an adult.
Yay for big orange kitty Jake! But just think - if you keep the name Jake, you could make him wear tiny sunglasses and take pictures....
He totally has the expression, "Don't even
of moving me."
But there's no inherent reason that you couldn't read a pile of magazines on a flight just because you have kids.
Once they get to a certain age, sure.
Under 10? Good luck.
He's sniffing up a storm. Everywhere the cats like to be has been deeply inhaled.
I'm a little worried about cat introductions, but we'll give him a couple of hours before he has to deal with another actual cat.
But there's no inherent reason that you couldn't read a pile of magazines on a flight just because you have kids.
Yeah, you're not going to be doing anything except keeping the kid entertained on a flight. It's like three hours of jazz hands topped with a diaper change in a broom closet.
Yay for big orange kitties! Good times.
Sometimes I think that kids just aren't worth the trouble. Then I realize that if everyone were like me, the human race would have died out way back in caveperson days....