about if disabled vets can still get civil service hiring points if they aren't actually collecting disability.
I thought that was mandated by federal law, but maybe not. For federal jobs, it used to be (it could have changed, things do) 5 points for vets in general, 10 points for disabled. So, they'd still get some points, but possibly not as many. State law may be tied to that in some way, in that it can't offer less than federal, but can offer more.
High tech communications gear, circa 1964: Pushbuttons replace dials on telephone (Apr, 1964)
Tests in regular service last winter at Carnegie and Greensburg, Pa., suburbs of Pittsburgh, have shown it’s easier and more than twice as fast to press buttons for a phone call than it is to twirl a dial. As each “touch-tone” button is pushed, it sounds a pleasing musical tone.
Bell is introducing the phone area by area, will nave it in general use within the next 10 years.
The tones are "pleasing"?
I think Gotham Gazette usually has good info.
Yep - Guide for the last-minute voter. Awesome.
I thought that was mandated by federal law, but maybe not. For federal jobs, it used to be (it could have changed, things do) 5 points for vets in general, 10 points for disabled. So, they'd still get some points, but possibly not as many. State law may be tied to that in some way, in that it can't offer less than federal, but can offer more.
I may have gotten the detail wrong as well.
Edit: I did have it right! Until now, under state law the vet had to be not only certified as disabled by the VA, but actually be recieving the disability payments. This would eliminate the payment part. [link]
So. I may have a new cat this evening. Or not?
I emailed lady about her cat this morning in the space of two emails she went from "Oh I won't give my cat away to just anyone, I need to meet you and my husband wants to meet you." to "I can come to you today, and if I don't find a home for the cat today I will have him put to sleep." So she's coming to my house at six, with all the cat accessories...and the cat?
The Repubs are against the constitutional convention question--I saw an ad with former Gov. Edgar urging voters to say no.
I've heard talk about this, but the question on the ballot isn't worded to sound like it would open up the entire constitution to review. I'm confused and more than a little wary of the whole thing.
I liked the Wyatt Cenac analysis of the election on TDS last night.
I'd double check, but the rule on such things is "when in doubt vote no". Also, another rule is "constitutional conventions are really unpredictable; don't vote for them unless you are ready for radical change, and are pretty damn sure you have a enough support for that radical change to go your way."