not told to quit being "tiresome" and "fragile", which is, in effect, what her friend has just done by making it all about her.
Well, told to quit calling herself tiresome and fragile, which admittedly is not a humungous deal better at a time like this.
I suspect Scrappy is right about the friend's basic intentions - especially if you've seen her at her worst as she says. But Steph's right about what a shitty angle it is to take right now.
I just wish you weren't going through all this in the first place.
I suspect Scrappy is right about the friend's basic intentions - especially if you've seen her at her worst as she says. But Steph's right about what a shitty angle it is to take right now.
I agree. It sounds like a bad intersection of unconscious button-pushing.
And, Barb, I know you are hurting and wish your friend hadn't gotten all defensive with you today of all days. I am sorry if I gave any other impression.
Waht I was saying is that, for me, not sharing my darker feelings or constantly qualifying them (because I grew up in a house where one Did Not Complain) served to push the people I needed away, rather than bring them closer. Learning not to do that was hard and I still fail at it a lot, but it did make me feel like a wall between me and other people went away.
I agree. It sounds like a bad intersection of unconscious button-pushing.
That's what it sounds like to me. And Barb, you are not a drama queen. Not at all, sweetheart.
Maybe a little, because I think most writers are, but I don't think you are overdramatizing your current sitch.
Tom Lenk (Andrew) comes out.
Apparently I missed the memo on his ever having been in.
I was so cold on my way home, my teeth were chattering like CRAZY. So I was unsurprised to hear about the chance of snow here as well.... And it was 40 degrees, so maybe that is time to pull out the warmer coat. And/or wear a sweater. Either one probably would have done.
Now I have an apple crisp in the oven, so that should help.
National Geographic special on the Mars Rovers, this Sunday.
I'm not in this! But it'll still be cool.