In retrospect, I think we should have named this thread Natter 61: It's the end of the world as we know it, and we're having a watch-n-post
Sadly, sir, I believe you are correct.
Thank you all for the birthday wishes for Matilda! She's off at daycare, and I am celebrating with a mug of TheraFlu and a general feeling of nonspecific crappitude. We're still about an hour away from the actual moment of birth; at this moment two years ago at exactly this moment, I was waiting for an OR to open up and fighting off horrible neck cramps.
McCain is "still undecided" about the debate?
I wonder how many votes in the vicinity of the Ole Miss campus he'll lose if he blows it off; everything I've read says the local economy has been counting on a big debate-related boost for months now.
Obama has said that if McCain doesn't show for the debate, he'll have a town-hall and take questions from the audience. Whether the networks, radio, etc., will carry it live is another question.
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Matilda!!!
Isn't that, like, against the FCC regs, or something? Would that mean McCain would then later have to get an hour of free time in return?? Is THAT what he's angling for?
IIRC, the Repubs got rid of the equal-time rule several years ago. Nice if it'll bite them in the ass tonight!
I forgot about the equal time thing.
ETA: excellent.
Oh, Happy Birthday, Matilda!
I think there needs to be a Matilda & Emmett fan club....
I am speechless... From Sullivan:
Palin: Kissinger Is Naive
His notion that leaders in the US should actually engage the leaders of other powers in order to negotiate is, according to the vice-presidential candidate for the Republicans:
That's beyond naïve. And it's beyond bad judgment.
She also denied that Kissinger even believed such a thing:
I've never heard Henry Kissinger say, "Yeah, I'll meet with these leaders without preconditions being met."
Ilan Goldenberg has. What must Kissinger and Baker and Scowcroft think about their party now?
Someone who before her selection had only one single, semi-coherent thing to say about foreign policy in her entire career, could now become president at a moment's notice in one of the most perilous times in world history.
The days when Republicanism meant actual responsibility and judgment and experience and realism have been replaced by gimmicks, pure politics, Fox fem-bots, and constant, random gambling with the most dangerous things imaginable.
I don't think that the equal time rules are gone, but they don't apply to news or news interviews. So, if PBS wanted to use the time to interview Obama, McCain can't call for equal time.
Some news person or other said it looked like McCain was falling apart right in front of us. Perhaps the stress of the campaign and/or his age is aggravating some health problems.
I think his campaign got blindsided. I think his camp decided that suspending the campaign and canceling the debate would make him look presidential and putting country first (fits message, perfect). Obama's camp would have to follow and make Obama look bad for following McCain's lead. Obama didn't do what he supposed to do and that has painted McCain into a corner.
I saw a Roslyn-Airlock 08 bumper sticker today.
That's marvellous. Earlier this year my supervisor asked me if there was a particular title for our section (we'd had a re-org, he'd just taken over). I told him "The Lords of Kobol". Apparently he's using it.