Happy birthday, aurelia!
What the fuck is wrong with the Colts this season?
I'm a Chiefs fan, so I have no sympathy. First and second string quarterbacks are out for the season. OTOH, if their third stringer plays like he did last game, he may be their best quarterback anyhow.
A contest that would pay $10,000 to an engaged couple, as long as they abstain from premarital sex, hasn't gotten any takers. The deadline for the Marriage for a Lifetime contest is Oct. 31. The prize includes free flowers, invitations and other wedding treats.
Wouldn't promoting abstinence after the age of consent be done for purely religious reasons? How can this legally get federal money. Does it sneak in as a health issue?
Wouldn't promoting abstinence after the age of consent be done for purely religious reasons?
Well, I think... never mind. I think it's a mistake to apply earth-logic here....
Hey, its the ONLY way to be sure, Gud. It has nothing to do with religion.
So did I. I missed the Yoga one.
Me too. Maybe its just stupid.
I got the yoga one, missed the meatball one.
I got the meatball one, but I still don't really understand it.
How can this legally get federal money. Does it sneak in as a health issue?
The Department of Health and Human Services under Bush has financed the Healthy Marriage Initiative.
It was included in an omnibus bill in 2005 and given $100 MILLION DOLLARS ANNUALLY "to encourage marriage and promote the well-being of children."
I got spammed on a local moms' message board about attending healthy marriage workshops put on my a local group, thinkmarriage.org. I had to smack them down by telling them I wasn't in their priority group--if I wanted marriage counseling, I could afford it myself. They were intent on filling up seats in the workshop, though, to justify their existence.
Oh, and they used their tax-payer funding to put up billboards with pro-marriage messages.
Oh, and they used their tax-payer funding to put up billboards with pro-marriage messages.
If I was in charge of this, I'd make a bunch of LOLCats billboards to promote marriage. Like a picture of a dog and cat snuggling, with a caption: "Marriage: Ur doing it wrong!"
I got the yoga one, missed the meatball one.
I got all but the meatball one.
None of them were funny, though.
If I was in charge of this, I'd make a bunch of LOLCats billboards to promote marriage. Like a picture of a dog and cat snuggling, with a caption: "Marriage: Ur doing it wrong!"
I was behind a minivan the other day with a bumper sticker that said "Chastity is for LOVERS!" I still can't figure that one out.