Now that we decided on the soup, are there any good recipe recommendation for the leek potato soup, preferably ones who use cream that Yours Truly now tries to add to Everything She Eats?
Shir, take half an onion, 2 chopped leeks (thoroughly washed and chopped) and saute them in the bottom of the pot with a half a stick of butter until they are soft. Add @32 oz of chicken stock (or vegetable stock) to the pot. Add a dash of kosher sea salt.
Chop up about 4-5 medium, peeled potatoes and add to the pot. Cook them until they are soft and mushy. You can either take a stick blender and blend it smooth or keep the larger potatoe chunks.
Turn down the heat and add a cup of cream (or milk or half & half).
Top off the soup with some chives and shredded cheese.
Now I want to make leek and potato soup!
Thanks, Cash!
How much is half a stick of butter?
And your kids are adorable. And I think they can apply lipstick better than me. I never understood how to do it right.
How much is half a stick of butter?
Does butter not come in sticks where you are?
It'd be cool if butter came in some weird platonic solid, like a dodecahedron. Or maybe as a sphere or cone....
Congrats bon bon!
Why is trick or treating so early in some places?
So the demented predators don't have time to put the razor blades in the apples?
I sometimes buy butter in bulk at the dairy so it's just a big block. But I keep sticks for baking and cooking for easy measure.
Why is trick or treating so early in some places?
We're just doing Halloween events this year and they are all before Halloween itself. The kids have already got loads of candy.