I'm probably gonna get a Google phone. Shocking, I know! Yay for employee discounts.
Also, speaking of Twilight, the ladies in my family are all reading it now and I just had to warn my mom that there is some pregnancy badness in the series. Now I need to find out which book it is in and e-mail my extremely pregnant sister who is bored and on bed rest that she SHOULDN'T READ THAT ONE YET.
Is the pregnancy badness in Breaking Dawn? Anyone know?
ION, we had Trick-or-Treating today. We had no idea how much candy to buy, being in a new neighborhood and thought that living right next to an elementary school there would be a ton of kids. Apparently, not so much. Best guess we had maybe 3-4 dozen kids in the 3 hours of Trick-or-Treating.
Which means we bought way more than we needed. Normally, not a problem, except I'm currently participating in the annual weight-off contest at work (down 5 pounds so far. Woo!) and have absolutely no will-power when there's sweets in the house (hopefully my nicking from the candy bowl today won't put those 5 pounds right back on.) Plus, we recently discovered Mattias has a severe egg allergy (I'm really, really hoping scary trips to the ER aren't going to be annual occurance.) and as he's still nursing, that means the GF can't eat a good portion of the candy either. The dept admin at work keeps a candy drawer for the dept. I have a feeling I'm going to be making a very large donation to the drawer this week.
We had an assortment of super-heroes, random scary things, fairies and princesses as well as the handful of teenagers in no costumes blatantly pandering for candy (feh). The costumes that stood out, though, was a pair of sisters. The oldest was probably 8 and was dressed as a big, fancy layer cake and her younger sister was dressed as a cupcake. It was inventive and adorable.
Though the cutest was probably a tie between the 18-month year old boy dressed as a devil, or the similar-aged girl dressed as a monkey wearing a tiara.
We didn't take Mattias out because it was too cold (the wind ripped the screen door out of our hands when we opened it more than once) and he's still too young for most of the candy anyway. He did really like looking at the pumpkins we carved, though, once we lit them up. We did a "generic Jack-O-Lantern" for the larger one and the a "baby-face" on the smaller one he picked out. The GF is planning on getting him in his costume to take pictures of him with the pumpkins on Halloween itself for the calendar of him we're going to get made up for the grandparents for Christmas.
Is the pregnancy badness in Breaking Dawn? Anyone know?
Yep. Definitely not for the hormonal or squeamish.
Why is trick or treating so early in some places?
It's the missus! Congratulations bon and Bob!
Yeah, Blanton's shot was a lovely thing for a guy who basically didn't hit until a couple of months ago.
I'm pretty sure that's his only hit ever in the majors and he had quite a few interleague games beforehand. I'm sure (ex-A) Matt Stairs pulled him aside and said, "Dude, just swing for the fences. It's not like you're going to stroke an opposite field double, and the pitcher might throw it into your swing."
Hey, it's married bon! ::throws rice:: (which I can do online, because no birds will be harmed)
Yep. Definitely not for the hormonal or squeamish.
Thanks! I have sent my sister an email.
And congrats to the bon Bobs!
I don't have pictures yet, but I do have the best man speech, which went over quite well:
As all older brothers, since I was a kid I fantasized about my younger brother's dream wedding. Though I always pictured it with a lot more Star Wars characters, this is good too.
When you have your wedding out of the state you live in or grew up in, you find out who your real friends are because those are the ones willing to make the trip. So it's good [Bob] has [bon bon] because clearly he doesn't have any friends. In fact, I am not actually [Bob]'s brother, I am a paid actor. [Bob]'s real brother couldn't be here because he is spending the weekend beating Rock Band 2 on his Xbox. If you don't know what that is, I suggest you buy it because that game kicks ass.
But anyway, marriage. Marriage is when you look into the eyes of the one you love and that magical spark goes off that says, "chances are, I'm not going to do a whole lot better than you. I mean maybe if I put more money into clothes and worked out more but that's a lot of hassle. So like a 16 in Blackjack, I'll stay."
I kid of course. [Bob] and [bon bon] are at least 17's.
Ok, truth is they are both very lucky to have found each other. They both have smarty pants jobs but they don't compete with each other. They both love to eat at arcane and unusual restaurants where meals cost the GDP of a small African country. And they have traveled all over the US to be with each other... They met in Michigan then [Bob] followed [bon bon] to New York, and [bon bon] followed [Bob] to California and now they follow each other like prisoners on a chain gang into the bondage of marriage.
I say that with love.
So thanks to both sets of parents, thanks to the few, the brave of you who came here to witness this fabulous occasion and congratulations to [Bob] and [bon bon]. They deserve each other and I mean that in the best possible way.