In Jamaican patois, batty means butt. So I read this anecdote differently.
If only he had named one of the others "Fanny" we'd be set. He actually named the Wolf "Wayne" this morning.
DH is now determined to buy more pumpkins. He said three are not enough. I should really be making a pie at some point. This means making more pie crusts but I should stock up on those for the holidays.
And it worked. I'm home with no migraine, and I didn't have to fight anyone for meds while in the ER.
This is the kind of resolution I want for you all the time!
Wait, are we supposed to sacrifice a virgin on the Winter Solstice to bring the sun back? Fuck that.
Good luck finding one.
t insert complicated joke about Palin's daughters here
I'm clearly not in bandom because I have exactly zero idea of what any of you were talking about.
Sadly, ita, I do know what you are talking about. Glad the attending did the job correctly. I'm sorry you needed it done at all.
I'd offer to come hang out with you today for a bit (bringing baby though, which might mitigate the good effects of your treatment) for some burgers and pie.
Cash, have you seen Lots of inspiration, and templates for your politically active squash.
Yes, Theo! I saw their stuff on Twitter and am going to carve an Obama Pumpkin. Just need to choose which one. I should do one for us and campaign hq--they don't have any yet.
I love those, Theo! I wasn't planning on carving a pumpking, but now I totally want to!
I'm going to do this one and this one and possibly this one.
Congratulations to the BonBobs!
I am not in bandom, but I do enjoy the occasional picspam that flashes across my flist.
I dearly hope that your helpful ER visit is still being helpful, ita.
There was more, but my brain is a sieve.
Love the Obama pumpkins!!
Hee! To me, the whole pumpkin-movement is indicative of the positive direction that Obama's campaign as a whole has. It's happy-making and creative and gives me warm fuzzies.
Hee! To me, the whole pumpkin-movement is indicative of the positive direction that Obama's campaign as a whole has. It's happy-making and creative and gives me warm fuzzies.
Yup. For kicks, I googled McCain pumpkin images and got bupkis.He doesn't inspire, apparently.
Interesting article here about changing party identification. Basic thesis: the Dems have become the party of the economically dynamic parts of the country - the metropolitan centres - while the struggle towns of the Rust Belt and the Appalachians are becoming redder. [link]
ION, this site gives an interesting graphical representation of the changing state of the polls over the election campaign. [link] It uses the data from