It's pouring out there. Pretty much has been since noon. And of course, I was out in it, getting my hair cut and running errands. Got new bras AGAIN. I swear, I just did that less than 6 months ago, but those are too big now and driving me nuts.
My cats are conspiring to make me nuts. Loki wants to eat my hair. Devi wants to eat Loki. MK wants to eat the kitten's food. MK looked me right in the eye and
in front of the litterbox. He probably needs his insulin adjusted again (we went way low because he was eating so little.) He's eating (everything) and acting mostly like himself, talking again. Today was his last antibiotic, so fingers crossed. Oh and that one night he was acting so uncomfortable, despite me having given him the pain pill? I think I know the reason: I found that pill (only time I used food to conceal it) stuck to a blanket.....
Devi and Loki are attacking each other under the door. I guess this is a good thing? (Loki is safe and isn't running away, but playing with the killer.)
I'm drifting in and out of sleep, again. Watching skating on TV right now. It's kind of making me want to skate.
I'm flipping between it and the Florida State game. I'm getting to a point where I see another female skater grab her blade or boot, I'ma gonna go all Elvis.
I've been watching the Breeder's Cup all day.
Awwe, they're showing a foal. So cute. (About a story on the dam of one of the runners.)
Playing Under The Door is one of the classic cat games, so I think it bodes well.
Ozzie and Perkins play Under the Screen (that separates them). I'm not sure that's the same thing though.
My chest hurts. This is probably still the cold I woke up with last Saturday. I do not need to look up pneumonia symptoms on the internets.
Happy Birthday Brenda! Sending Lucy some healing-ma.
Happy Birthday Brenda! and healing ~ma for Lucy.
I used to love watching figure skating but now I'm meh on it.
man, first person video games make me nauseated. mac is on his own with this one.