brenda, did you see my invite to take the train up to Wheeling tomorrow for dinner? If you can get here by 7:00, I'll pick you up and drive you home afterwards!
Ooh, let me see if I can manage it - I've got a late meeting but I might be able to hit a train.
Every clip or quote I see just gets worse. This can't actually be happening, right?
Special Mets Tidbit for Tom and Amy.
Warning: Do Not Read Without Alcohol In Hand
The Mets held a 5-1 lead over the Cubs on Wednesday night, but lost in extra innings, 9-6. It’s the sixth time this season that the Mets lost a home game in which they led by at least four runs. That ties the most such losses for any National League team since 1900; the 1924 Phillies and 1976 Cubs also had six home defeats of that type. The last N.L. team to lose more than six home games in which it led by four-or-more runs was Chicago in 1894.
As a Phillies fan, I am honored to be in such distinguished company. Again.
This can't actually be happening, right?
I can't bear the thought of looking at this for four years.
I mean, I think Obama could win by just blowing that picture up as a billboard and pasting it around the country. Nobody wants to see that.
As a Phillies fan, I am honored to be in such distinguished company. Again.
If the Mets blow it again this year, you can quit worrying about '64.
Bill Kristol said that McCain should send Palin in his place to debate Obama.
Are we sure he isn't actually a Democrat operative? Because, AWESOME. Seriously. There's not enough popcorn for that event.
I would so love to see Obama vs. Palin in a debate, but you know darn well that it would be seen by the Repub faithful, and those who just like the woman, as another elitist intellectual snob lording it over the fiesty hockey mom. That's why I want to see Biden take her on, so Obama doesn't get saddled with the "beating up on poor little Sarah" meme.
Apropos of Cashmere's Venn diagram link way upthread, here's another one just made of awesome.
The Examiner is not only conservative to paleoconservative, but since its official collapse, death, and resurrection as a free tabloid it's become a horrid little rag bulging with glaring factual errors and pathetically unedited press releases from any asshole who'll send them one (I assume they just desperately need the column inches) and really no redeeming value at all aside from Patricia Unterman's occasional restaurant reviews and, um, two sudoku puzzles a day. That's about it.
At one time, way back in the day, it had a marginally better journalistic reputation than the Chronicle, but that was long ago, before it died and came back wrong.
I might have to go back to Dave. That was awesome, yesterday(And made my fake boyfriend LOL, which is cool)
Your fake boyfriend was looking totally cute as a bug's ear.