This just gets more and more surreal:
It seems that today during the time Barack Obama was waiting to hear back from Sen. McCain about their planned joint statement -- and while McCain says he was meeting with key advisors and becoming increasingly concerned about the financial crisis facing the country -- he was actually holding a special meeting with Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, the expat international financier who once supported Hillary Clinton but now is supporting McCain because she thinks Obama is "elitist".
Ahhh, the Rothschilds. Salt of the Earth. I had the Lady over for a tailgate party.
the expat international financier who once supported Hillary Clinton but now is supporting McCain because she thinks Obama is "elitist".
Seriously, a full-out tantrum. With screaming and kicking of heels and pitiful cries of "Noooooo!" whenever someone tries to make me stop.
I swear.
So I logged into work to set autoreply and what do I do? Work. Oy. I really try not to do that.
hey, did anyone watch The Mentalist? thoughts?
So far, just enough Simon Baker. Cutehead. BTW, I learned on yesterday's Ellen that he has a 15 year old daughter. HMOG.
doesn't he have like 5 kids?
You know, this latest McCain-Palin stuff makes me want to fall on the floor, roll around, and have a screaming three-year-old tantrum.
I have booze. I am only a few hours away. Minutes, if you do the mountain hopping plane method. We can tantrum together.
I meant to watch that.
FTR: clear plastic box containing the beloved fake mice+ Loki? Comedy gold. I think he's knocked it from one end of the room to the other. Dev just looks disgusted and she goes crackers over them too. Just not that crackers.
naked child playing "air" guitar on a comb. also he wants both straight and long hair, I swear, I thought I might avoid that issue with a boy.
song of choice, "Everybody can come and fart." catchy tune.
clear plastic box containing the beloved fake mice+ Loki? Comedy gold.
Kitty videos! We know you have the technology.