Seriously, if we're doing that, I can think of many more action movie presidents that would be a better choice.
Almost any of them in fact.
ION, you'd think that, given the fact that we own Standard & Poors, it would be easy to get financial updates from our homepage, but, no, I must go to Yahoo.
I was also thinking Harrison Ford in Air Force One!
McCain hasn't made a Senate vote since April.
has Obam? because if so - THAT should be yelled by all Dem talking heads loudly every 2-3 minutes.
Palin affair
I do not care about an affair and I wouldn't expect anyone here to either, but lots of people in Middle America care and THAT I do care about because they often vote their morals.
Obama apparently voted on things as recently as July: [link]
In random news, I can barely watch the local politics show anymore, since the host was featured in an O Magazine article about men who were victims of childhood sexual abuse. Both TMI, and I feel bad for him now. I'm sure I'll get over it....
What's the last thing that made you smile?
Cupcakes at our staff meeting!
McCain hasn't made a Senate vote since April.
has Obam? because if so - THAT should be yelled by all Dem talking heads loudly every 2-3 minutes. many have there been? I mean, the Senate is usually out of session for a lot of August, but...dang. That initially seems pretty off.
What's the last thing that made you smile?
The diet Coke was refilled in the vending machine.
What's the last thing that made you smile?
Emmett running down the street to scoop up Matilda on his birthday last night. She just made him so happy after he had a crappy birthday.