What in the hell does ACORN have to do with Obama? They're talking about it like it's his organization.
He used to be an organizer, didn't he???
Can I buy up the last of the season's peaches and have them live in my freezer for six months?
Sure -- but I'd slice them first.
Here's hoping we don't get a McCain/Palin burn bag this time.
Since we don't actually get to kill them if that happens, unlike most people who get burned that particular way.
God, I'd love to see Matthews' face if I said that on the teevee. He'd shut up for ten seconds.
Keith already fucks up my heart rate, though. Sometimes it's hard to be disabled and explain why election coverage makes you flush. I wish I could say it was the treadmill.
Of course, democracy makes me happy. But I look weird if I love it more than a friend.
So, it's not so bad, 'cause it's a dry snow?
We're known for our dry snow, it's the famous-in-some-circles Utah powder. I won't guarantee you won't run into some rain/snow mix, AKA "wintery mix", but you won't need Huskies to get where you're going.
Oh lord. Obama was in Cincy today, speaking to about 15,000 people. In the comments section of the newspaper article about it, there are comments like "You know why McCain holds his rallies in the evening? HIS supporters HAVE JOBS!" and "I drove past the cars waiting to get in to the rally, and most had only 1 person. Seems all these 'forward thinkers' would have carpooled or organized shuttles if they REALLY cared about the environment!"
Oh, snap. Lame.
He used to be an organizer, didn't he???
Yeah. And all community organizers are terrorists or socialists or satanists or something....
ACORN is big on issues affecting low-wage workers, but I think it's too new to be actually something Obama worked on.
But it was founded by somebody black, though.
I met Edwards at one of their minimum-wage things.
I'm partially burned out on the campaigns. Like, I avoid reading about the latest offensive crap uttered by the Palin/McCain campaign, but I'll read stuff on how bad they're doing....
I am offcially unemployed now, but expect to be getting sub gigs like whoa in the nect couple of weeks. I am seriously contemplating planning on not working the day after the election. I figure I will still be nursing shock-therapy drinks like crazy (along with, possibly, heroin) or nursing a slight, yet slap-happy, hangover of joy.
You know, if/when (please dog) Obama gets elected, I imagine that there'll be some wicked stupid celebration. Wicked good, but also I foresee some sheer dumbness.
McCain? I see the bodies of suicides floating in the gutters, and no real glee from a lot of Republicans.
But I am biased.
ACORN was founded by a single mother of five who still took time to care how her fellow employees were treated.
I only hope I can be satanic like that when I grow up.