A random question for y'all--now that I'm working at B&N part-time and have to ask people for their phone numbers at the register (to look up their membership cards), I've noticed that a lot of school-aged kids will give me the 1 before the area code and phone number. I've never heard that from any other demographic.
Is that typical elsewhere in the country?
I've noticed that a lot of school-aged kids will give me the 1 before the area code and phone number.
Huh. I would think that kids would be more used to cellphones and not give the one.
(I'm working at home today because my vertigo is OUT OF CONTROL today)
Oh, ugh. I had some pretty bad vertigo a while back, and it just sucked. And nothing they suggested helped me. Good luck with that....
I forget that not everyone goes into Bitches. I woke up with it out of the blue on Sunday, and I couldn't get out of bed all day (bathroom trips were so not fun). One of my ears felt "full," and I had some ringing in my ear.
Went to doctor Monday; he said it was fluid built up in one ear from allergies, and also a moderate ear infection. Gave me antibiotics and a drug for motion sickness, which I guess has helped a little bit, but not much.
Woke up Wednesday and could not hear out of my formerly "good" ear. At all. Well, there's a lot of ringing in it; does that count as "hearing"? Went back to doctor that day; he said that formerly-good ear now has a lot of fluid built up, but it looks sterile. (Yay?)
So now I have a monstrously high dose of steroids to try to get all the inflammation to de-inflammate, along with a GIANT HORSE PILL antibiotic, and the not-so-effective motion-sickness medication. And the doctor also recommended I take sudafed and claritin to help with the allergic reaction that caused all the fluid to build up.
I am taking enough medication right now that my pee is probably deadly.
The vertigo was lessening over the week, but when I woke up this morning, it was as bad as it was on day 1. But if I don't whip my head around, and stay still, I can use the computer, so I called in and asked them to e-mail me stuff to edit.
Formerly good ear is still deaf and ringing, but I just started the steroids this morning. I'm hoping that by tomorrow things will be improving. And bloody hell, Saturday afternoon we have tickets for Cirque du Soleil. Nothing is going to keep me from that, even if I have to close my eyes for part of it.
And it has not escaped my attention that I am now officially diagnosed as a dizzy blonde.
According to the feature in the Times last week, lisah is right about the heights. I noticed a couple blog saying that McCain didn't look that short at the debate, tho. Heels?
We are getting Obama ads in NYC.
So now I have a monstrously high dose of steroids to try to get all the inflammation to de-inflammate, along with a GIANT HORSE PILL antibiotic, and the not-so-effective motion-sickness medication. And the doctor also recommended I take sudafed and claritin to help with the allergic reaction that caused all the fluid to build up.
Jeez louise! I just got, "Sorry, virus. Take care!"
I'm in Missouri so I see tons of political ads albeit at 20x to 30x speed since I skip all of them.
Living in Ohio, the ads are non-stop. We don't watch much TV, so the only time I'm see the ads is at the gym, where there are TVs always on in the cardio machine area. And then because I haven't yet seen them, I always manage to attract attention to myself by snorting "Oh, PLEASE" during McCain ads, or saying "YEAH!" during Obama ads.
I shouldn't be allowed out among the humans.