How do you get a hoop skirt under your desk anyway.
Hoop skirts are for club-going. Nowadays I wear knee-length fluffy petticoats, and they're easy to fit under a desk.
So you know what this is? It's edits. Just tightening and correcting and fixing.
I know, but ... gah! My close relationship with insecurity about my writing, let me show you it. Or not, and I'll go back to hiding under my desk.
Silly - she'd be wearing bloomers and a concert t-shirt. Didn't you read her Bust article?
If they had a problem with the book they wouldn't just be sending you edits. They'd be asking for a rewrite.
Hec is wise and quite right. Now get out from under the desk-- I'ma hiding under there.
I wish there was someone to edit my work. (Boring technical writing but still...don't tell me after the fact that there's something wrong when you were the one who was supposed to have edited it!!!)
Now get out from under the desk-- I'ma hiding under there.
But but but ... I'll share my cookies with you!
But but but ... I'll share my cookies with you!
Okay. I'm good with that. Especially since your LJ icon just made me giggle like a little girl.
Why is it so hard to get these people at work to write out short, step-by-step instructions of what they're asking for? It's like pulling teeth.
insent Jilli, let me know what you think!
Why is it so hard to get these people at work to write out short, step-by-step instructions of what they're asking for? It's like pulling teeth.
story of my professional life.
It's almost like they think it's a personal insult that I'm asking them to think linearly.