I saw Clint Eastwood on TDS, ita, and they said it was based on a true story. I don't think it's supernatural, but I could be wrong. On edit--Wikipedia says it's not. Police corruption, kidnapping and a more sinister case once they figure out what's going on.
Perkins, that's funny. I liked this week better.
Perkins, that's funny. I liked this week better.
I may just have been in the wrong mood. It's perhaps not the best followup to Criminal minds.
Perkins, that's funny. I liked this week better.
I did to, but I really thought last week was a mess.
ION, I'm trying to pack for Friday and looked at the weather in Utah and saw snow flurries. Yikes. Not exactly what I was expecting.
Yeah, apparently in the screenplay for Changeling, JMS included contemporary press clippings because he figured people would assume he was making shit up.
I shall go to Wikipedia and see...It's kinda confusing.
I'm also in the crew that finds this week's
Pushing Daisies
much improved and getting more into the groove of the show we used to know.
Huh. He was a creepy dad on SVU a few weeks ago, too.
Oh yeah, that's what I meant about it being a phase.
I thought Pushing Daisies was better than last week's too, I just don't think it made it to much improved for me.
I have a thing about clowns though.
Wah. Morning way too rushed. Apparently, it is impossible for me to get up early when Loki decides to start making nests in my hair at 5 am.
But he got to the vets for snippage on time. Now I just have to work on waking the rest of the way up. So far, not working.