Senator, the financial collapse is not a snowday. You still have to do the debate so get cracking on your homework.
Really. It reminds me of being in speech class, when kids would desperately try to come up with some excuse for why they weren't ready on the day they were scheduled to give a speech.
It's as if instead of preparing for the debate, McCain was in his dorm doing bong hits....
I just put a chicken in the oven to roast. Mixed up some Thai chilli paste, lime juice, garlic and ginger then basted the buttered chicken carcass.
It smells really good.
It's as if instead of preparing for the debate, McCain was in his dorm doing bong hits....
Wrong gen, dontcha think, tommy? Seems to me he's more the shots of Purple Jesus type.
Wrong gen, dontcha think, tommy?
Getting hopped up on goofballs?
I'm getting all gloomy and paranoid about the collapse of the United States as we know it. Feh. I'm going to listen to the Bouncing Souls and attempt to restore my faith in humanity.
It smells really good.
I bet it does. I'm just going to throw some chicken on the grill tonight. I need to stop and get some charcoal on the way home though.
I'm getting all gloomy and paranoid about the collapse of the United States as we know it.
Eh - I'm pretty much resigned to it.
OK, not really.
the collapse of the United States as we know it
If it leads to the collapse of the rampant cynicism, classism, and corruption, I'm for it.
McCain advisors say they will do all the debates but the schedule is up in the air.
They also deny that there is a political calculation in this and say without action the country could slide into a Depression by Monday and added "we'll see 12 percent unemployment" if action is not completed. GOP sources say they believe the current deal is dead on the Hill and reject suggestions that without McCain's vote Democrats would not support a package.
Dude. I know shit's bad, but by Monday?
Distract yourself with this. It's good reading.
David Foster Wallace's Commencement Address at Kenyon College 2005
Suzanne Vega went to high school with EM. Performing Arts (aka, Fame school). She was quiet back then, and self-identified as Puerto Rican. Same class included Elizabeth Pena and Ving Rhames (in the dance program, if you can imagine that).