I wish we could see you tomorrow! Because you have pizza!!
User! Except, not. If I were letting people into my pit of an apartment I'd happily have you over. As it is, I'm in that mid stage of knowing people shouldn't see it, but not being driven to fix the mess. Keeping the bathroom and kitchen clean is about all I have in me.
Noah! Shoes! How cute.
ita has reminded me that I need to make that pizza again. Mmmmm, pizza.
Hey, I just discovered there's a Canadian version of Cash Cab. It's in Toronto.
I hate squirting Devi. I know it is the most effective way to snap her out of psycho-bitch-stalker-mode, but it still sucks. Man, I hope this improves faster.
It will, but the time involved, oy.
My next younger sister and I are less than a year apart,( which I believe is the requirement for being Irish twins). Our birthdays overlap so she and I are the same age for three weeks every year.
I just choked to the point of barfing due to... water.
I'm amazed I survived this long.
Random Matilda Report:
On Monday after work and daycare, she and I met megan walker in the Haight to look at a possible apartment and then give megan a ride home.
Yesterday megan came over to join me in gritting teeth and snarling at the debate over very strong martinis, during which time Matilda slumped into a puddle of contented, trusting tiredness all over her.
Today I went to pick Matilda up, and as soon as we got in the car her face brightened and she said eagerly, "megan? megan?" She was horribly crestfallen to hear that megan was at her own house and we weren't seeing her again.
Yikes, sara! My boss has a coughing fit everyday. I used to get concerned but anymore I hope she passes out.
I'm really very depressed about my job. I reached a kind of breaking point today and started to cry. Nobody noticed. It wasn't heaving sobs, but there were a lot of sniffles and if anyone had bothered looking at me they would have seen. But, nobody did. More depressed now.
Matilda's adoration of megan is awesome.
Coughing fits are stupid.
Jobs that make you cry? Stupider.