Barb, am glad your yoga was all you'd hoped it to be.
I must say, I double take everytime I see your name. My first babyhood friend's mom was a Barb (and my brother's; our moms managed to give birth within a couple months for both of us) and we referred to Chevy Novas as "Barb cars" forever.
Said infant friend now has a daughter. So weird (even as I know I'm of that age. Kids just seem so unlikely.)
clogs get my ankles more than any other shoe. I still wear them.
Have I mentioned my neighbor, he of the hacking persistent cough? I'm in my living roon, with the windows closed and the TV on, he's in the apartment one floor below me and one apartment over, and I can still hear him, and it's been going on for at least a month.
I feel bad for him, and I really really wish it would stop.
I sometimes wonder about attraction
Me too! Currently I hate it because pretty has no point, but it sure gets you in the gut.
Though I have to admit I'm Shemar's all the way. I like Gublar much more than his looks would predict, but still.
It was a good kiss.
Damned hot. I've watched it way too many times. Curse youtube. Well, and TiVo.
one of the best uses of music over the last few minutes of the ep-- The Byrds "My Back Pages" if I'm remembering right.
Ayup. Lovely ending sequence that was--I rewatched that too. I'm not only about the gay snoggage.
ita, Shemar was on Ellen last week, cutie mc cute.
the sleep monster has decended, but mac is not fully enveloped yet. I think this strategy of taking the laptop with me into his room might work.
ita! I wish we could see you tomorrow! Because you have pizza!!
Noah and I are going shoe fitting tomorrow. Good times!
Oh, may it work. Sleep, mac! Sleep like a Loki, but longer! (He's passed out behind my knees now.)
Jesse, if I ever get in cash cab, I'd want to be with you.
I would want that, too!!!
sleep has been achieved. the whole house is in mac's bed (different than the whole world being my hat (bon bon shout out)), mac asleep, Sylvester fast approaching sleep, Oz staring at me wondering why I am spending so much time in the "not our bed" bed, me on laptop. too much for a twin bed really.