I am looking forward to some Luke Perry shenanigans tonight, let me tell you.
Today I applied for work. Yee haw. And I watched a really good episode of Cold Case. Well, most of it--I didn't record the whole thing, so no point saving it. It's the one with the gay cops--apparently it has the first passionate man on man network TV kiss. Cool.
My apartment is way too hot, but it would be silly to cool it down before second proofing's done. Still, chicken topping for pizza is grilled and I might cheat and snack on some of that ahead of time.
guy who ... on Mad Men!
Oh, ha! But that is a spoiler...
Noah's on the porch with us playing with playdoh (good outside toy!).
Playdoh is awesome! So is Noah.
It's very fally here. I mourn.
It's the one with the gay cops--apparently it has the first passionate man on man network TV kiss. Cool.
That was a lovely, if sad and depressing, episode. It was a good kiss.
You know, I sometimes wonder about attraction. On Crimial Minds, I know that Thomas Gibson is a very handsome man, and Shemar Moore is blazing hot, but I look at Matthew Gray Gublar, and I am just verklempt.
Sophia, I think you should call the city about that bus stop. They should pave it over or something - if you've fallen more than once it's not you, it's the stop.
Sophia, were you wearing heels? sorry about the fall, regardless.
I should be taping CM, not sure why I am not.
mac is not asleep. grrr. my fault I let him stay up because of no school tomorrow, but it ruins my relax time.
Thank you Jesse, I just went back and white fonted.
Brenda-- I have been thinking about it... if they moved it a foot, it would be on a paved section. However, I should probably ask the busdriver to lower the bus so the step isn't longer than from my foot to my knee. If I looked like a little old lady, and when I have a cart, they lower it (although it is not fun to drag the cart across the grass to the sidewalk!)
I had a vinyasa yoga class for dinner.
Sweet merciful heavens, after nearly five years, I may have found a yoga class again. At the 'hood's new rec center. I've become a major wuss despite three years of strength training in there (but none in the last eighteen months because of wrist injury). I had to promise Lewis I wouldn't push myself excessively.
I didn't.
But I broke a sweat and stretched muscles and still have mondo flexibility, comparatively speaking. Go me.
Came home, had steaming shower, ibuprofen, a stick of cheese for protein, and now I'm having green apple and pear tea with a biscotti.
That was a lovely, if sad and depressing, episode. It was a good kiss.
It was an amazing episode and one of the best uses of music over the last few minutes of the ep-- The Byrds "My Back Pages" if I'm remembering right.
And Luke Perry is squicking me big time on CM.
Where are we watching Luke Perry now? What am I missing?!