Oh, blargh. I was on call at the bookstore tonight, and they need me. Feh. Only good thing is that the manager assured me that he can have me out of there as soon as we close at 10, so I won't have to stick around until 11 to help with the clean-up.
I could fall asleep right now--I don't wanna work!!
Just got to remind myself, "You have no savings. You need the money. Make them happy, so they don't cut your hours more than they already have. Who knows how much longer you'll have a full-time job."
I'd offer my luck with deadlines getting pushed back, but mine seems to involve disasterous catastrophies, so you probably don't want it. Plus there's that habit of "requirements? What requirements?"
The requirements just changed again, but this time in my favor. Yay!
Big annual business plan deadline is tomorrow. I have my stuff 90% done but need to wait for a corporate review before I can finish. How much you wanna bet they will wait for an hour before the big deadline before giving me their comments and final adjustments.
Bleh. My shoulder is killing me.
Not to gloat, but I just had a surprisingly good meeting!
Yay, the new rec center in my neighborhood just opened today and they're offering vinyasa yoga classes. There's one tonight at 7 and I'm going to go try it out. Please, please, please, to let this be a good class. I'm tired of acquiring adipose tissue on my ass.
::sends stinkeye Toddson's people's way::
just had an irritating work thing, too. tech people not editing. grrrrr
and I've had a headache all day. stupid fall.
and it's all grey here. (meaning it's going to rain meaning leaky roof will leak)
But, really, I'm in a pretty good mood. I'm going to watch ANTM and Project Runway and eat a potato tonight.
I started auditing a morning class in 3D animation -- same material I had earlier this year, new teacher. God damn, but I like working with that 3D stuff!
The kids are out playing in the pouring rain, and happy as a couple of frogs. Kids are so funny.
How is the name Aisling pronounced?
Speaking of pronunciation, we are having a pub quiz at our company meeting tomorrow. The tie-breaking question will involve either pronouncing or spelling my last name.
I'm not sure if I want to see a tie or not.