On the mental state thing:
McCain just replaced "My fellow citizens" in a speech with "My Fellow Prisoners".
You DO know he was a POW, right? I'm not sure if he's mentioned it recently...
McCain should refer to him as the Junior Senator from Illinois, right? that's pissy, but factual.
It's even respectful!
I kinda want this on a sticker.
Ooh me too. I made it my tag this morning.
Oh, and I know someone who was, until recently, still a pro-Hillary, anti-Obama person, but has just dramatically come around with a huge tl;dr blog post. So that's something. And he's a youngish white male!
So the "Governor Hottie" schtick isn't working on him, huh?
From Wikipedia:
The name may have a number of variations in pronunciation, however, the first syllable always includes a "sh" sound due to the rules of Gaelic. Ash-ling is the most common pronunciation of this name. Aze-ling and Ays-ling, however, are incorrect pronunciations if one is using the name or word as Gaelic.
My brother is 15 months younger than me. Mom found out she was pregnant when she went to get birth control and the doctor did a pregnancy test -- Mom figured she couldn't be pregnant since she was breast feeding and it took her awhile to get pregnant with me.
Back in the mid-60s, the Pill's levels were so high that if you went off of it to get pregnant, it usually took at least three months for it to clear out of your system. I guess I wanted to be born earlier, because I was conceived two months earlier than expected.
My two sisters were born 14 months apart. People often asked if they were twins when they were younger.
Irish Twins! Milk Twins!
My brother is 15 months older than me. But he's always been so much more mature. Nobody ever mistook us for twins.
Okay, most of the "totally looks like" entries are hardly worth a grin, because quite a few times, the resemblance is only that they each have two eyes, one nose, et cetera, or else it's a cartoon character resemblance that is probably grounded in the fact that the artist was actually trying to make his subject look like the celebrity, you know?
But this one is actually kind of astounding to me:
I'm going to be stuck at work really late tonight, because the fucking bozos I work with keep changing their requirements. Not happy.