The Obama campaign said Obama had called McCain around 8:30 a.m. Wednesday to propose that they issue a joint statement in support of a package to help fix the economy as soon as possible. McCain called back six hours later and agreed to the idea of the statement, the Obama campaign said. McCain's statement was issued to the media a few minutes later.
Oh, for fuck's sake. What a cockbite!
I will be really fucking angry if Obama does ANYTHING to help Bush & Co get this $700 billion Trojan Horse through the gates.
Here, read this and feel nice and paranoid. [link]
I know it worked for me.
I will be really fucking angry if Obama does ANYTHING to help Bush & Co get this $700 billion Trojan Horse through the gates.
Absolutely. Though this makes me feel a bit better about what his idea of a package would look like. [link]
I don't know enough about the financial markets to have a valid opinion on the bailout plan. It seems like it will pass, I'm just hoping there is sufficient oversight. It seems like the potential for corruption is enormous.
Dude, "oversight" is for wimpy over-regulating Democrats. This is a time for mavericks and bold action.
I keep thinking I want a 10-year moratorium on the whole "Main Street/Wall Street"* line, but the literal involvement of Wall Street is making that look pretty unlikely.
* not the issues, obvsly, just the rhetorical trope
(and just to be clear, I'm reacting to every pundit and speech and not-so-smart article on the current crisis, not anything that's been said here. Including, in spirit, by Hank Hill.)
It seems like it will pass, I'm just hoping there is sufficient oversight.
Given that the Republican starting bid is NONE, Treasurer should have more power than the President? Not likely.
In more trivial news, bad celebrity baby names made me laugh.
"The only Main Street left is in Disneyland. And just try to buy a gun there."
--Hank Hill
This afternoon, I left my office on Wall Street (literally, but not figuratively) to go to a meeting at a large bank (that still exists!), across the street from the Waldorf Astoria, where many of the international big-wigs stay. There were many many cops and protesters and a lot of craziness. Oy.