See, with "Terry Sherry" I thought we had an "unfortunate married name" situation.
Instead, we had a guy who could quite reasonably go by "Terrance".
Interesting that McCain learned nothing about service from his Admiral Father, his Admiral Grandfather or Annapolis.
Um, we sort of already have a second holocaust to take place. And a third. At least.
Well, I dunno, how much genocide is ok before we say "ok, not so much with that 'Never Again' thing"?
My one Orthodox coworker is pretty firm that McCain is "better for Israel" (I don't know what she means specifically, because I refuse to engage), so I'm sure he's just trying to shore up that opinion.
OMG JOHN MCCAIN WAS A POW? Or is he just singing that "somebody to lean on" song?
Closing statements:
Obama: "I was poor once."
Are they now singing "Kumbaya?"
OK, were the audience members only allowed disposable cameras, or were they given them?