I am hoping this cat thing goes the same way as the time the artistic director wanted to BORROW A BABY to PUT IN A BROWN PAPER BAG to open up onstage. Which is to say, it just did not end up happening.
I did learn how o drain a can of beer so it would still pop open for a production, but have never had anyone want real beer.
Should I be worried that Barack isn't taking off his jacket and rolling up his shirt sleeves?
Why so crazy, people?????
We should drink whenever McCain calls himself a maverick?
When I was on debate team there was a little clock and warning lights. There was a beep. Are there signals I'm not seeing? Or do they just know they've gone over when Brokaw tells them.
Ooh! I can just see McCain's next ad: Obama - Prioritizer
dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Disturbing, but probably what Sophia's director should go with: [link]
I think McCain sounds a little fuzzy-headed. He's tripping over words.
Yeah, you're going to cut medicaid and medicare, that's what you're going to do.
I wouldn't doubt that the "overhead projector" is a planetarium IMAX projector. For the Chicago Science Museum. Don't know for certain, but with that pricetag... And it is pissing me off, because those sorts of things bring bodies and exposure and education and outreach.
Wanna know how much we spend producing pretty peectures that end up gracing the front page of the NYTimes and featured in your favorite scifi backdrops? Yeah, more than that. It's in NASA's budget. And hell, more than that annually on PEECTURES of space. And it employs me and a ton of other people. Those pictures help rally the public to pay my salary. Want to call me worthless?
Sorry. Issue over a cheap shot.
Obama's so handsome when he smiles.
Sorry. Issue over a cheap shot.
Every time they start talking about earmarks, I get annoyed again that the place I work only got a quarter of what we were looking for last year. Although it was our first earmark, so in short: yay earmarks!