When I was in undergraduate school, we did a production of Oliver! that not only included Bill Syke's dog, but we had to put rats on the poorhouse set and make real porrige for the kids.
We got white lab rats from the science department and dyed them brown with hair dye. the we had to make little rat sweaters on them and then tether them in place with heavy black thread leashes. The we cleaned up the rat poop and put them back in their cages.
the kids, of course were scared of them. the also, didn't want to eat thier porrige until I started putting m&m's in them.
good times.
I was in a show where a dog was walked across the stage ON A LEASH. And he was the director's dog, and very well socialized, and small, and they STILL lost him into the orchestra pit once.
And my students think I make stories like that up, quester.
Joining sarameg's "good grief".
Same director insisted on two wolfhounds and a hawk in the first scene of King Lear.
And oh, holy shit on the whole cat thing. Somebody needs to slip the director and artistic director some heavy duty tranqs.
Or smack them stupid with the clue by four.
In debate news, like Warren Buffett would ever take a government job! Please.
Is it just me, or is McCain sounding..not so good. Not talking content, just speaking and movement?
And fuck you, I have heard of the F. Macs.
F, C, M: Opus the Penguin, Rosebud the Basselope, Bill the Cat.