They can borrow Mister Kitty! He's a big attention slut! He'll sit there, poking people in the leg with his paw until they shut up and start petting him. If they don't, he will wander into the audience for attention.
Mr. Kitty might work, but they are getting 2 cats off of Craiglist if they get no volunteers, they need them by Friday, and I think that no one is really planning to do anything with the cats in between except, like, put them in the props cabinet!
Good lord. You'll find those cats hiding in the highest, most impossible to reach place in the theater, ever.
Real animals and real food do not belong on stage! Speaks the former propster.
The stage manager and propster in me agrees; however, the director in me doesn't always listen.
This director will not put cats on stage. Dogs, maybe. Cats, no. Cats Do Not Listen. They are worse (and more needy) than actors. Plus, they tend to talk back if you give them notes.
I think that no one is really planning to do anything with the cats in between except, like, put them in the props cabinet!
I'm trying to picture this. Several props people I've known would have thought this was the correct protocol, though.
PLEASE tell me that before they decided on this Craigslist wackiness, they made plans to take care of the cats for the next 15 or 20 YEARS? Or I'm'a have to come up there and break some heads....
(yeah, the "humorless" tag just won't close on this particular subject...)
Farewell, Opus: [link]
::sniff:: Opus has always been my hero--I still have my Preppy Opus that my high school best friend gave me-- a couple of different Christmas Opii, a Shower Opus and my very favorite Opus...
Crazy Love Opus keeping watch over Jack-Jack
F- JAR, C- CK, M- AD
F- Barrowman, F- Vartan, M- BB (Can't be no chuckin' with that trio.)
This director will not put cats on stage. Dogs, maybe. Cats, no. Cats Do Not Listen. They are worse (and more needy) than actors. Plus, they tend to talk back if you give them notes.
BWAH! So I guess you won't be considering Diary of Anne Frank?
Drop everything and watch A-Ha's "Take on Me" music video repurposed with new lyrics:
That was brilliant.
"Band montage!"
"Somebody's gonna get an ass full of pipe wrench!"
(yeah, the "humorless" tag just won't close on this particular subject...)
I'm with you on this one, amych. Any show I've ever worked that had animals in it had the animals "donated" by someone in the show or by someone closely related to the show.