seasoned breadcrumbs are great for coating any type of meat. also great for meatloafs.
larger chunk bread crumbs are good for making dressing.
Allyson - sorry you are feeling left out. Are there many there that you'd want to be chummy with? You're a creative writer and organizer, maybe best to sit and observe, maybe get some character ideas for a new story.
I'm like, the loser with no friends here. No one ever wants to sit at my lunch table.
Maybe you could just stand up and pronounce, "I am Spartacus!" and see what happens.
Shir, I haven't used it myself, but I really like the looks of this vegan loaf creator, which includes breadcrumbs.... [link]
Another article on this economic mess: How did it all happen?
As I write this, the dow is down 430 points, below 10,000 for the first time in four years. Tyler Cowen has published his list of what went wrong, with which I largely concur. Another way to think about it is as a series of cognitive errors that afflicted everyone: investors, home buyers, lenders, regulators. They're standard cognitive errors that so far, no one has a very good way of eradicating:
The list is pretty interesting....
Optimistic bias: People tend to be overconfident about their own abilities and the outcome of their plans. Something like 90% of people think that they are above average drivers less likely to get into an accident than the average joe. This is so pervasive that there is actually a scientific name for the few people who accurately assess their own future, their abilities, and what other people think of them: clinically depressed.
Heh. A while back there was a study that suggested that depressed people have a more accurate view of the probabilities of success and failure in any given venture, but recently there's been some doubt cast upon that result....
Magical Loaf Creator!
Right?? I am neither a vegan nor do I pack a lunch, but I had a big phase of being obsessed with Vegan Lunchbox.
But the whole first third of the movie is showing how decadent the Havana nightlife was before the revolution, so it's all these super swank and gorgeous nightclub scenes, with singers and big bouffants and form fitting dresses and poolside fun.
Definitely filed and noted. I just looked on amazon and they have this amazing deluxe package that looks like an old fashioned cigar box.
The magpie in me loves the Ooh! Shiny! factor of it.
I think McCardle misses the main point, deregulation and lack of new regulation, along with regulators biased against enforcing existing rules.