I appreciate the effort.
ION, this morning there I was finally able to read my neighbor's flag. It's a confederate flag with the head of a dog in the middle and the words ' Rebel "til" die ' above the dog head. I don't know why the "til" is quoted. There is now also a primer colored Trans-Am in the driveway that doesn't have a hood. To be fair though, I did spot the hood elsewhere in the yard.
A man and his cat are adorable. Hubby loves his Shadow. But he's also a dog guy and used to have a pack he'd go camping with in Idaho. They'd sit around and howl with the wolves. Ah, the late '70s in the Rocky Mountains.
I was talking to an elderly neighbor over the weekend and she referred to Sarah Palin as a "great lady". And then said she wasn't qualified to be president ...
I don't so much think of Palin as not qualified to be incapable. The Katie Couric interview and the debate settled that for me. If you can't answer tough questions like [paraphrased] "Where do you get your news from?", then gosh darn it, I don't think you can run the country.
Oh, dear. I just made a serious sandwich miscalculation.
Oh, dear. I just made a serious sandwich miscalculation.
I just hope nobody got hurt.
Oh, dear. I just made a serious sandwich miscalculation.
Is this related to the current financial crisis? Did your sandwich miscalculation, in fact, cause the current Wall Stret plunge and credit freeze?
Bread is not supposed to be that color.